The Jewish community participates in interfaith programs throughout the local community.
Yachad (Hebrew: “Together”) is an annual program featuring Jewish content of universal interest that the Jewish Center & Federation provides for the entire community. This year Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, a noted Jewish scholar of the New Testament, spoke on “Agreeing to Disagree: How and Why Jews and Christians Read Scripture Differently.”
The Path of Abraham and Sarah is an annual interfaith walk, visiting a synagogue, a church, and a mosque, that honors the shared history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The 2019 walk took place on June 16.
Jewish-Muslim dialogue began this spring at the Islamic Association of the Finger Lakes and continued at Congregation Kol Ami in the fall.
Social Justice
Community Kitchen: The Jewish community staffs the Elmira Community Kitchen at Sts. Peter and Paul parish hall on the first Thursday of every month and the Jewish Center & Federation accepts donations toward the food. About a dozen volunteers work each month. To volunteer, please email JCF or call (607) 734-8122. Donate here.
Family Aid: The Jewish Center & Federation administers a small program of emergency assistance. Donations may be made through the local UJA Campaign.